Kisii ASK show attracts over 100 exhibitors

Posted on June, 19, 2019 at 10:33 am

Preparations for the Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Southern Kenya Branch- Kisii show scheduled to take place as from July 11 – 14, 2019 are at an advanced stage.

This year’s theme ‘Promoting Innovation and Technology in Agriculture and Trade’ remains the same as last year’s as the region remains dedicated to enhancing agribusiness.

ASK chairman Kisii branch Mr. Julius Bosire said the show provided a platform for the farmers to interact with the exhibitors and vice versa to enhance each other, together promoting agribusiness.

Bosire said this year’s harvest festival which always comes on the eve of the show day would take place at the Kisii Prisons on July 7, 2019 and would be graced by the wife of County Governor Mrs. Elizabeth Ongwae.

The Harvest Festival normally has interdenominational prayers and involves giving back to the society.

Over 100 exhibitors were expected this year and already, 60 per cent have confirmed participation including Department of Agriculture, KTDA,  Kenya seed company, Kisii university, National government-CDF, Lake Basin Development, JKUAT, Gusii waters and sanitation company, KEMFRI, Kenya Power, Equity bank, and Mount Kenya University.

“Interested new exhibitors who include Kisii fm, Stima and Mwalimu saccos, One acre fund, KMTC, AMREF among others, making the turn out to be higher by 10 per cent compared to last year’s at this point of preparation,” said Bosire .

Bosire said various performances from reknown gymnastic group known as the African circus, an Amusement park, Military mass band displays, musical and theatrical performances and fireworks would entertain the public.

He noted that arrangements had been made with the County Commissioner and the relevant authorities.

According to Deputy chairman Mr. Kepha Onduso, the society provides other platforms to enlighten the public, like the ASK ploughing organization that helps teach the farmers how to prepare their land and Young Farmers Club of Kenya mostly found in schools that provide camp meeting for learners and teachers, tree planting and plans teachers’ conference to educate them more.

However, the two cited insufficient finances and small exhibiton space and ground for the crowd as the major challenges in Kisii.

They urged the public to change their attitude towards the agricultural shows that they were meant for children.

Source: Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC)