Failed Galana Kulalu to be 'revived' by NIB

Posted on June, 24, 2019 at 09:47 am

By AGATHA NGOTHO Science Writer - The Star

The National Irrigation Board will take over the failed Sh7.3 billion Galana Kulalu 'model farm' and food security scheme.

The irrigation project was a Jubilee administration flagship project but it is considered to be a white elephant, though 85 per cent of construction is complete.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mwangi Kiunjuri announced on Wednesday that the NIB will handle all the activities at the 10,000-acre  care farm plagued by cost overruns, delays and other problems.

“Galana has so far spent Sh6.2 billion and yet we have not gone far," Kiunjuri said during the 6th Agritex Exhibition and Conference at the KICC.

"We have taken a risk, directed the NIB to take over planting and kicked out the contractor. I can assure you we are going to make a breakthrough. Over the years, we have been making losses but this year, with a promising season and proper supervision from the government, we are going to prosper,” the CS said.
The Israeli firm Green Avara abandoned the site after disputes over delayed payment by the Irrigation Board.

On May 24, NIB officials and the contractor appeared before the Senate Agriculture Committee to answer queries about delayed payments.

The contractor said the NIB owes them Sh1 billion but the board claims it only owes Green Avara Sh200 million.

At the same time, the project was delayed by 357 days as Green Arava complained that the contract that was to run for 30 calendar months was reviewed midway.

Also dropped was an exchange programme to train 300 Kenyan graduates in Israel.

Local leaders said of the 300 that were taken, none was from the host counties of Kilifi and Tana River.

Embu Senator Njeru Ndwiga, the Agriculture committee chairman, said decisions were from the beginning a deliberate attempt to sabotage the project.

The CS will visit Galana Kulalu next week to see the progress.

Kiunjuri further said that the 2019-20 budget set aside Sh1.8 billion for completing stalled irrigation projects.


Source: The Star