Group of 77 calls for mobilizing action, support

Posted on June, 25, 2019 at 11:47 am

The Group of 77 and China have reaffirmed their commitment to continue pursuing action that controls climate change.

Chair of the Group of 77 plus China, Ambassador Ammar Hijazi said here last week during the joint opening plenary session climate change conference that member countries are advancing the work program for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

Ambassador Hijazi said under the Convention, the group and China remain true to the purpose and principles, including equity and common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances.

“Together, we achieved progress in a number of areas but do note that the outcomes, to some extent, have been uneven. We assure you that the State of Palestine’s chairmanship of the G77 and China Group shall maintain and advance the collaboration and active engagement of the group aimed at the success of our collective endeavors at this critical stage of the process,” he stated.

He further pointed out that the group stresses that climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the modern world and that its widespread, unprecedented impacts burden all countries, in particular developing countries amongst.

“The latest heat waves and severe temperature fluctuations, as well as droughts and floods that have hit many parts of the world during the past few weeks are only a reminder that the devastating effects of climate change are real and sudden,” the G77 and China Group Chair added.

The Group reiterates its calls for mobilizing further action and support on the issue of climate change adaptation, mitigation, and loss and damage, in a manner that takes into account the specific needs and circumstances of developing countries, in particular those vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, Ambassador Hijazi stressed.

Source: IPP Media