Agency verifies 1,259 sesame weighing scales

Posted on June, 28, 2019 at 11:01 am

WEIGHTS and Measures Agency (WMA) has verified and certified 1259 special weighing scales to be used in this year’s buying season in southern regions of Ruvuma, Lindi and Mtwara.

WMA regional manager, David Makungu told this paper here that the exercise in line with education provision to farmers on the best use of weight and measures.

According to Makungu, the exercise was conducted in the regions of Mtwara, Lindi and Ruvuma and they have managed to reach out to 270 Agricultural Marketing Co-operative Societies (AMCOS) in all the regions.

He said that all the weighing scales have been stamped ready to be used for purchasing the drought tolerant crop.

“In six districts, Masasi is leading to have more AMCOS whereby it has 51, Nayumbu (41), Tandahimba (11), Nanyamba (6) Newala (5) and Mtwara rural (4),” he said.

In his remarks, the WMA manager for Lindi Region, Yunio Mbwambo said in his region 521 has been inspected for the purpose.

Sesame is the second most important cash crop in south-eastern Tanzania after cashew. Like cashew, sesame is grown by small-scale farmers in mono-crop farms.

On Tuesday, authorities in Katavi Region called on tobacco and sesame buyers to ensure that they comply with the laws and, regulations governing Weights and Measures Agency when buying those crops.

“We’re encouraging all buyers in this season to adhere to the guidelines that the industry is required to operate within as the law is very clear that anyone who will go against, the fine can go up to 100m/- or five-year sentence,” said Phanueli Matiko, WMA regional manager.

Matiko was speaking at the ongoing regional wide inspection for weighing scales ahead of tobacco and sesame selling season.

The inspection is part of the countrywide weighing scale inspection in an effort to ensure that farmers benefit from their rights to profits from their agricultural produce.


Source: IPP Media