Social Entrepreneur Wins Commonwealth Award

Posted on July, 11, 2019 at 10:02 am

By Margaret Njugunah

A Kenyan social entrepreneur whose company is connecting smallholder farmers across Africa into global supply chains has won the Commonwealth Secretary-General's Innovation Award for Sustainable Development.

John Oroko, the co-founder of Selina Wamucii, received the recognition for the work his innovative company is doing in integrating smallholder farmers, pastoralists and fishing communities into global supply chains.

The award was presented by the Commonwealth Secretary-General the RT Hon Patricia Scotland and the Vice-President of Seychelles Vincent Meriton in the Seychellois Island of Mahe.

The award ceremony event was held during the opening day of the Commonwealth Africa Innovation Ecosystem Workshop.

Speaking during the award ceremony, Oroko said that the award would go a long way in building the necessary momentum for transforming agricultural value chains across Africa.

"As challenging as our innovation journey has been, this award and recognition gives us much appreciated motivation to continue being at the forefront of agricultural innovation across Africa. I believe we have the best opportunity to transform Africa's agricultural value chains while passing the benefits of an efficient chain to producer communities across the continent," Oroko said.

Facing first-hand the realities that rural farmers grapple with in accessing markets and earning decent household incomes, John, who was brought up in a smallholder farming family, made a resolve to transform farmers' earnings and found an ally in technology.

Upon graduating and after a short stint at employment, John quit to start Selina Wamucii, a company named after his mother's first name and his co-founder mother's middle name as a way of honouring them for their hard work as smallholder farmers which saw them raise their families from their farm's proceeds.

"The story of our mothers as rural smallholder farmers is the story of tens of thousands more across the country and this inspired me to start Selina Wamucii. I believe that every human being who works hard deserves to have access to opportunities that enable them to live a life of dignity. Smallholders are among the hardest working people on the planet yet remain most of the world's poorest. It matters to me because I believe we have the best opportunity to transform Africa's agricultural value chains while passing the benefits of an efficient chain to producer communities across the continent," John said.

John whose philosophy is driving initiatives that create lasting impact among communities loves spending time working to address society's most pressing problems.

Since co-founding the company in June 2015 he has managed to enlist over 7,000 farmers across the country who grow high value food among them fruits, vegetables, fish, seafood, spices and other agro commodities which find their way across markets in Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe.

To become part of the network, farmers sign up to join Selina through their mobile phones via USSD.

The system captures information relating to the geographical locations of smallholder farmers, what they are producing, the various stages of progress throughout the season, harvest timelines and projections and actual volumes at harvest.