Oxfam impresses donor

Posted on July, 23, 2019 at 11:16 am

Written by  Sam Majamanda

One of the donors to Oxfam-Malawi, Jim Kraft has expressed satisfaction over the organization's successful implementation of a nine-month long humanitarian project in Phalombe District.

In an interview on Thursday Kraft told Malawi News Agency (Mana) that he was satisfied with the interventions that his money supported.

"The people who were affected by Cyclone Idai-induced floods are facing many challenges, but Oxfam-Malawi through various interventions has relieved a significant number of them. This is great," Kraft said.

Accompanied by a delegation from Oxfam-America, Kraft who has been sponsoring the organization for 20 years now, toured boreholes and irrigation farming activities being implemented in the district.

Oxfam has been implementing response and early-recovery projects for four months in Phalombe District which has components such as borehole drilling and rehabilitation and irrigation farming.

Among other things through the interventions, the organization has assisted 50, 000 beneficiaries in the district.

Country Director for Oxfam-Malawi, Lingalireni Mihoya said the U.S. delegation tour was meant to give the donors an impression of the actual suffering of Malawians who were affected by the floods in order for them to be fundraising based on facts.

"We wanted them to also appreciate what exactly we have done with their money on the ground as a matter of evidence," said Mihoya.
During the field tour, the delegation visited one of the classic examples of a poverty-stricken flood survivor, Falesi Wyson, of Mtepiha Village in Traditional Authority Mkhumba who is currently benefiting from the irrigation initiative.

A mother of six, Wyson lost all her property during the floods in March and she was enrolled into Gelevulo Horticulture scheme from which she says she is benefiting economically.

In an interview, Wyson said the initiative has rescued her from the worst that could have happened to her in the absence of the irrigation scheme initiative.

Within the humanitarian project, Oxfam drilled seven boreholes and rehabilitated 55 others as a way of improving Water Hygiene and Sanitation among flood-affected communities in the district.


Source: Malawi News Agency (MANA Online)