NaneNane agricultural exhibitions in central zone

Posted on August, 7, 2019 at 10:21 am

THE annual Nane Nane agricultural exhibitions in the central zone is still   quite   low, the fifth day since it started as authorities question the reasons behind  the low turn out.

Visiting the exhibitions at the Nzuguni area in the city yesterday, Singida Regional Commission (RC), Rehema Nchimbi expressed disappointment that most of the pavilions were just empty.

“I think the district councils are misusing the government funds, the state budgeting for the agricultural exhibitions yet nothing is on display,” she said.

The Singida RC who was the chief guest at the annual animal competition that attracted hundreds of livestock keepers urged the organisers to find out why the turn out of goers is quite low.

As usual, there were many students who visited the show whereby several primary and secondary school students who visited the national assembly pavilion expressed joy of learning the procedures of the august House.

However, some were worried over conditions to be granted entry into the House blaming limited information for them to attend the august House.

“Personally I am not aware of how an individual can be granted entry into the Parliament,” one of the student said asking whether there are favours  given to some selected group of individuals.

According to parliamentary standing orders section 139 any visitor may be allowed into the parliament at any location allocated for the purpose. Without favour, individual interested to attend the august House must register with the office the National Assembly Clerk.

Even though, the school children had the view that the heightened security at the lawmaking organ was also another reason barring  their interests to apply for a seat in the Parliament.

Neema Kiula, Bunge officer in-charge at the pavilion explained that every national is allowed entry into the legislative body. “This is the public place and everyone can apply for a permit to attend the sessions at any ongoing parliamentary proceedings,” she said.

Regarding the security at the Parliament, the independent organ strengthened its security since 2013 following series of terror attacks in neighbouring Kenya including the West Gate Mall.

The officer said during this year’s farmer’s exhibitions at the Nane-Nane grounds in Dodoma, the National Assembly had recorded a large number of school children seeking to learn more about the parliamentary process.

“Also the children are interested in understanding the history of the Parliament and its relations with freemasons as one of its previous structures is currently named after the controversial organisation,” she  explained.

Source: IPP Media