Vihiga farmers get Sh200 million World Bank grant

Posted on September, 2, 2019 at 09:21 am


The World Bank has given a Sh200 million grant to support 600 farmers groups in Vihiga county.

The money will be disbursed through the National Agricultural and Rural Inclusive Growth Project.

NARGIP targets to increase food production in Vihiga to boost food security in the country.

Governor Wilber Ottichillo handed over a cheque to farmers at the county headquarters on Thursday.

“We are targeting about 600 groups across the county to benefit from this program. Those who will receive this grant please work as the pioneers to ensure this program succeeds,” he said.

He appealed to groups that have not handed in their proposals for funding to do so.

Ottichillo said the first phase has 52 farmers groups that will receive Sh14.6 million.

“The remaining money is still in the bank and will be distributed to all farmers in the county once their applications are through,” Ottichillo said.

The governor urged farmers to diversify to boost the county’s economy.

“This perennial subsistence farming within the county has resulted to poor harvest and diminished our economy,” Ottichillo said.

Agriculture executive Pamela Kimwele said the county had received seeds from the African Agricultural Technology Foundation.

Kimwele said the seeds are suitable for the short rain season.

“NARGIP is concentrating on dairy animals, local chickens, indigenous vegetables and banana value chain in our county,” Kimwele said.

She added that eight wards had benefited from the grant.

NARGIP targets low-income farmers, youths and the disabled to empower them economically.

Busia county Agriculture committee chairman Pater Alukutsa appealed to youths not to wait for white-collar jobs but venture into agribusiness.

Alukutsa said job opportunities were shrinking globally hence the need for youths to venture into other productive activities.

“The governor supports fully the agricultural sector in this county. It’s the only way out to eradicate poverty,” he said.

Source: The Star