Kibaha to host exhibition of industrial and farm p

Posted on September, 23, 2019 at 10:33 am

COAST Region is set to host a one-week trade fair of four eastern regions’ industrial and farm products starting October 1, this year.

Elucidating on the exhibition, the Regional Commissioner, Engineer Evarist Ndikilo, said here yesterday that the fair will attract participants primarily from Dar es Salaam, Morogoro, Tanga and Coast Regions.

“We look forward to having a successful grand trade fair. Therefore, we are inviting prospective sponsors, investors, producers and traders to showcase their products in the weeklong exposition. Fairs of this nature are important in making products known and winning local and foreign buyers,” the RC explained

He called on prospective fair participants to confirm participation. He appealed to financial institutions to sponsor the fair.

On October 3, a symposium will be held to accord fair participants to discuss successes, problems and challenges emerging as Tanzania battles to build a middle-income industrial nation by 2125.

It is estimated that some 500 participants are expected to take part at the important industrial fair.

In his response to the RC’s plea, owner of Global Packaging and Wande Printing and Packaging Limited, Benno Mwitumba, handed over a cheque of 1m/-, a fair participation fee.

Mwitumba for his part thanked the regional administration for support to prospective and real investors, explaining that Kibaha is a peaceful place; further explaining that investors are happy and comfortable because the government and the people have created conducive environment
of investment.

“We thank the regional office for the manner it is shaping the region to become an attraction and finally an important host of investors and investments,” he explained.

He said the two companies feel they owe residents of Kibaha district and Coast region as a whole a big debt for their hospitality.

Source: IPP Media