Agriculture research agency loses Sh3bn land

Posted on September, 25, 2019 at 09:22 am

By EDWIN MUTAI - Business Daily

A livestock research organisation has lost six parcels of Sh3 billion land to private developers and individuals, a new audit shows.

The Kenya Agricultural Research and Livestock Research Organisation (Kalro) took over the six parcels worth Sh2,932,888,000 from the defunct Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (Kari), but it has no ownership documents.

“The parcels include L.R No.52,12 which, although the Institute holds an allotment letter, was allocated to a private developer,” the latest audit report of Kalro’s books of accounts tabled in Parliament show.

Manera and Olmagogo farms along Naivasha-Mai Mahiu road and another property in Katumani Centre measuring approximately 100 hectares were illegally acquired by private developers in 2000.

“In addition, part of this land is being used as a dumping site by the County government of Machakos and construction of a power station is taking place on the same land,” outgoing Auditor-General Edward Ouko says.

The report reveals that a group of individuals invaded the organisation’s land L.R 5210 and L.R 5211 in Naivasha in 2011, claiming ownership.

Kalro filed a case in court to have the invaders evicted and secured a ruling in its favour in March 2012 that saw the registrar of titles revoke the title documents on February 22, 2019 through Gazette notice number 1716.

“However, a review of the position as at the date of this report revealed that the invaders had not vacated the land,” Mr Ouko said.

The chief auditor said Kalro’s property, plant and equipment balance of Sh24.5 billion as at June 2018 excludes undetermined value of parcels of land in Azani and Koru measuring 99 hectares and 127 hectares respectively, which the Coffee Research Institute uses for farming.

“The titles to the parcels of land, however, are in the name of Coffee Board of Kenya which has since merged to form Agricultural Food Authority,” Mr Ouko said.

The report reveals that the Agricultural Mechanisation Services- a department within the Ministry of Agriculture-occupies a portion of Kalro’s land at Rukera and has set up buildings.


Source: Business Daily