Ministry assures Malawians of affordable maize thr

Posted on October, 11, 2019 at 11:05 am

Written by  John Tembo

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development has assured Malawians it will provide affordable maize in food deficit areas through the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC) as one way of enhancing food security in the country.

In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on Wednesday, Public Relations Officer in the ministry, Priscilla Mateyu said the country managed to harvest enough maize and other crops but the effects of disasters like Cyclone Idai and fall army worms rendered some households without food.

“The situation has not reached worrying levels because at national level, the country is food secure. In addition, in areas that are food deficit, government will make sure that affordable maize is provided throughADMARC.

“We are also implementing several initiatives aimed at ensuring sustainability in the attainment of food at household level. For instance, we promote irrigation through construction of irrigation schemes and, livestock and fisheries production,” said Mateyu.'

Mateyu added that the ministry has rolled out different initiatives to address food shortage in the country.

“The ministry with support from other stakeholders has already embarked on this development. We distributed seeds and other farm inputs to some households to enable them cultivate using irrigation for those along river banks and dambo lands,” she added.

Mateyu, however, appealed to the public not to panic, emphasising that the country is food secure.

A September 19, 2019 Food and Agriculture Organisation Report included Malawi as one of the 41 countries in need of external food assistance.

The report has revealed that countries continue to be in need of external food assistance because of conflicts and adverse weather conditions, particularly rainfall shortages.

Source: Malawi News Agency (MANA Online)