Use technology to improve agriculture, Museveni te

Posted on November, 14, 2019 at 10:10 am

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have finally began to move away from rudimentary farming methods to modern farming, earning the praise of President Museveni.
Should the SMEs take to modern farming; this will result into increased agricultural productivity and heightened uptake of technology into agriculture, something that has been lacking.
While reading President Museveni’s speech, Agriculture State Minister Joy Kabatsi, said it is about time SMEs increase uptake of technology in agriculture, noting that the low usage of machinery in a sector providing livelihoods to nearly 70 per cent of the population is not acceptable.
“Uganda’s agriculture will be greatly be enhanced with the use of appropriate technology at different stages of production,” the President said in the speech during the first annual Small and Medium Scale Machine Expo for value addition held in Kampala yesterday.
Mr Museveni said government has made significant advances in agriculture since it is an important sector that has an impact on people’s livelihood.
“Ugandans only grow crops for food. This means that in order to transform Uganda’s agriculture, the initial steps involve making the population appreciate the need to do farming for money,” Museveni’s speech read in part.
Mr Museveni also called for leaders to guide the people to adopt modern farming methods that would increase their household incomes.
“Modern life is driven by profit making; it is necessary for leaders to take the lead in educating the masses. This exhibition is a great avenue for arming farmers,” the President said.
Source: Daily Monitor