Maize scandal: John Waluke defends controversial p

Posted on November, 14, 2019 at 10:27 am

Sirisia MP John Waluke has defended the Sh200 million paid to his company by the National Cereals and Produce Board ten years ago, saying payout was lawful.
While defending himself against claims that his company, Erad Supplies and General Contractors Ltd, received the payment fraudulently from the government agency, Mr Waluke said the payment was pursuant to a court directive.
He said this was after an arbitrator ruled in favour of the company and they moved to court to enforce the award.
Mr Waluke said from the payout, he got Sh50 million, while his co-directors Jacob Juma and Grace Wakhungu, got Sh113 million and Sh40 million respectively.
The legislator said Mr Juma, who has since died, took advantage of their absence in the day-to-day running of the company, to pocket the largest share of the amount. Pressed further by his advocate, Mr Waluke said Juma could have been killed because of the case because “he rubbed shoulders with the big boys”.
The MP said the company sued NCPB over breach of contract after it failed to give them letters of credit, after securing maize from Ethiopia. He said their company won a contract to supply 400,000 metric tons of maize but the state terminated the deal due to lack of funds.
Source : Daily Nation