Toxic staple food, false promises; what’s left to

Posted on November, 14, 2019 at 10:31 am

• Which other brands have we been consuming that are highly poisonous despite the existence of a standardisation agency? 
• At the rate of corruption, poor leadership and laxity in government, we cannot rule out the possibility of malice agains local businesses. 
Maize meal is a staple food in Kenya.
There are some people who cannot go a day or two without eating Ugali. Recently, the Kenya Bureau of Standards announced some brands of maizemeal that had a high level of aflatoxin. How long have Kenyans consumed these brands unknowingly?
Which other brands have we been consuming that are highly poisonous despite the existence of a standardisation agency? What if someone has imported this toxic maize just to kill local businesses?
At the rate of corruption, poor leadership and laxity witnessed in major sectors of the government, this option cannot be ruled out until proven otherwise.
Tests should be done afresh to save citizens’ lives and local businesses, and responsible agencies held to account.
Source: The Star