Journalists challenged to expose challenges in th

Posted on November, 19, 2019 at 07:57 am

Written by  Ireen Mseteka and Luzily Chiponde 
Journalists in the country have been challenged to expose challenges faced by the country’s farmers to enable policy makers take appropriate steps to overcome the challenges.
The remarks were made Wednesday by Editor in Chief for Times Group, George Kasakula during a three-day evidence-based Investigative Journalism Workshop held in Mzuzu.
"We do not talk much about agriculture, but we talk about politics. Let’s also consider putting agriculture as one of the most important beats," he advised.
Team leader for Support to Parliament and Media to Strengthen Governance in the Agriculture Sector, Theresa Davies said agriculture has not been exploited as expected in Malawi.
She said the development has led to people abandoning farming as an economic activity.
"Agriculture is equally important for a country to achieve economic growth and the media has an important role to play in promoting the sector," she said.


The workshop, funded by European Union has been conducted in Blantyre, Lilongwe and Mzuzu.

Source: Malawi News Agency