District boss demands strict systems’ adherence

Posted on November, 19, 2019 at 10:13 am

MKURANGA District Commissioner (DC), Philberto Sanga has ordered leaders of Agricultural and Marketing Cooperative Societies (AMCOS) to abide by warehouse guideline regulations to avoid recurrence of last season’s shortcomings.

DC Sanga gave the directive at the opening of a training session involving cooperative society stakeholders, where he was represented by District Executive Director (DED), Eng. Mshamu Munde.

He warned that severe measures would be taken against whoever would defy the officially sanctioned payments processes.

"During this season, the government will not tolerate any actions that would obstruct efforts of giving cashew nut farmers fair dues. All arrangements have been made to ensure that farmers are paid fairly and to that end we must all work together to ensure that the mission succeeds,” he said.

He also warned that once caught, crooked traders informally known as "kangomba" would be dealt with severely as President John Magufuli had cautioned.

Mkuranga District Head of Agriculture, Irrigation and Cooperatives, Ms Julita Bulali urged the participants to ensure that the warehouse receipt program benefitted farmers, the Council and the nation at large.

The Council's Chairman, Mr Juma Abeid, reminded societies secretaries to be honest.

He also urged the Assistant Regional Cooperative Unions Registrar to drop all societies secretaries who were involved in misdeeds that jeopardized the last marketing season.

The training was organised as part of the processes of adding value to the cashewnut crop since it is one of the strategic commercial crops which are given special priority by the government.


Source: Daily News