Kebs clears Dola and Kifaru unga brands

Posted on November, 22, 2019 at 04:56 am

The Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) yesterday lifted a suspension on the Dola and Kifaru maize flour brands, saying they have complied with stipulated standards.
The two brands were among five others which were declared unfit for human consumption due to high levels of aflatoxin.
The lifting of the suspension was communicated to the millers in a notice.
Kebs acting Director for Quality Assurance Bernard Nguyo said an inspection has been conducted to review the effectiveness of controls put in place by manufacturers before they let products into the market.
He said the review will ensure future products meet the standards required 
“The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the suspension of your standardisation mark permit for sifted maize meal branded Dola (Permit Number 1317) is hereby lifted effective from November 20,” reads one of the notices addressed to Kitui Flour Mills Ltd.
A similar notice was sent to Alpha Grain Millers Ltd, who process Kifaru.Kebs, in the notice, directed that the two millers, Dola and Kifaru, arrange for the destruction of the products that were declared unsafe.
The two firms were also told to strictly adhere to the scheme of supervision and control signed between Kebs and their representatives.
“Kebs shall continue monitoring the effectiveness of your controls through market surveillance, factory inspection and testing,” Kebs notice reads.
Nguyo said it is the responsibility of the firms to ensure continued product compliance for their sifted maize meal products.
Source: The Standard