Young entrepreneurs urged to tap EA business oppor

Posted on December, 6, 2019 at 10:00 am

THE young entrepreneurs from the East African Community (EAC) states have been advised to take advantage of the economic opportunities found in the East Africa countries, to improve their well beings, their businesses and the economy of their respective nations.
They have also been asked to make sure that they consolidate their entrepreneurship relationships to form a solidarity which would enable them acquire extra markets outside the East African region due to the fact that outside the East Africa region there are many opportunities to market East African produced goods and services.
The advice was issued on Monday (December 2, 2019), by the Acting Kilimanjaro Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Bwai Biseko, when he officiated the opening of the Pan African Youth Camp which involved youths from the EAC member countries, which was held in Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region.
"There are many economic opportunities in East Africa, so you must use them effectively to improve your lives and the economies of the East African nations", he said.
He continued to say that the Governments of the East African countries spend a lot of money every year to create various economic opportunities and that the youth should use those opportunities to benefit themselves and improve the economic situations of the nations.
Biseko also called up on the youth to make sure they produce good products and of the highest quality so as protect the markets they have acquired and to increase more markets inside and outside East Africa.
"The biggest secret in improving your business, protecting your current markets and attracting new ones, is to make sure you produce goods which are of the highest quality, there is no miracle improve your investments apart from producing quality products”, he said, adding, the camp involving the youth from EAC member countries complimented the EAC countries’ Governments idea of integration among the nations.
Earlier, in his welcoming remarks, the Chairman of the Tanzania Youth Coalition (TYC) which organised the camp, Mr Lenin Kazoba, said the camp drew more than 60 youths from the EAC countries of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the hosts Tanzania.
"The camp aims to mobilize the youth from the EAC countries who have invested in various activities related to their profession, so as to exchange ideas for the purpose improving their talents, innovations and the businesses which some of them have established", he said.
Commenting on the TYC, Mr Kazoba said it focused in areas of youth livelihood and empowerment, youth and environment, health, gender, leadership and youth exchange and International for sustainable developments.
He said the camp was the second to be held in the country, following the one which was also held in Hai District last year and that it was coordinated and organized by TYC and sponsored by a German based institution GIF.
Source: Daily Monitor