Admarc guard shoots woman as irate villagers loot

Posted on January, 20, 2020 at 12:13 pm

Admarc guard shoots woman as irate villagers loot maize at depot
A woman has been shot while others have sustained injuries following a commotion at Nkhwazi Admarc depot in Mchinji on Friday where angry community members detained a truck which was transporting maize from Mchinji to an undisclosed destination.
State produce trader Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc)  officials gave instruction for the transfer of some tonnage of maize from the said depot, a development which annoyed the community.
The community then descended on the truck carrying the maize, mercilessly looting over100 bags of maize.
During the incident, a woman was shot by an Admarc security guard for the said depot who was trying to stop the free-for-all looting of maize.
The woman has been reffered to Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe
Admarc Regional Manager for the centre, David Masache, confirmed giving a directive to transfer the maize but gave no further information.
Member of parliament for the area Agnes Nkusa Nkhoma wondered why the Admarc officials ordered the transfer of the maize when her area also needed the grain.
Source: Nyasa Times